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Welcome to Joey's Gym for Children!


Since Sep 1987 this indoor playground has been offering parents & me classes, preschool transition classes, camp and birthday parties filled with skills, music, and fun. We believe in nurturing creativity and physical development and offer a warm and positive environment to foster the growth for little ones ranging from 4 months to 8 years old.
Reach out today to learn more about the classes we offer and how to get involved.


It's with very heavy hearts that we write this letter.
After more than 32 years of serving the community at our original location, 275 S. Robertson Blvd. in Beverly Hills will be closing our doors forever on Sunday, August 16th, 2020.
This will be just the transition before we find a new space.

We like to say thank you to all our families for your ongoing support throughout these uncertain times. Words can not describe the gratitude we feel for every little gesture of going out of your way to help us. We're so very grateful.

If you would like more information or want to set up your "POD class" with us at a location of your choice feel free to email us at or or reach out through our Facebook, Instagram

where we'll keep you informed and updated.

Please take good care of each other, stay

happy and safe. Till next time ...

See you all very soon. Much love, Ron & Dana.


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Who We Are

FUN (fun).1. What provides amusement or enjoyment.

LEARN (larn) v.1. To gain knowledge or understanding.

CHILDREN LEARN BEST when they are having FUN!

Since opening in September 1987 we're been having FUN!

All programs developed at JOEY'S GYM are created with FUN in mind. Every class is filled with music, games, skills, sights, and sounds designed to stimulate the mind and tickle the funnybone. So come, discover for yourself what the parents and children at JOEY'S GYM already know - we're SERIOUS about having FUN.

We guarantee you’ll find it here.

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Classes We Offer

Your quest for the great gym class can end right here. Our extensive list of classes are designed by age so rest assured there’s an option that’s perfect for you. We’re constantly updating our offerings, so check back often to make sure you don’t miss out on a new opportunity.


Tumble Bugs / Parent participate with child

4-11 months / 45min

This class is an introduction for the parent and child. gentle movement to music. Stimulating shapes, sounds and sights add to the fun.


Gyminy Crickets / Parent participate with child

12-18 months / 1hr

Early walkers, cruisers, crawlers. Exploring, climbing and balancing are all part of the action and adventure.


Chipmunks / Parent participate with child

19 months - 2 1/2 years / 1hr

New challenges, exercise, and an introductions to gymnastics skills and apparatus through fun learning stations.


Gymcats / 50% parent participation with child

2 1/2 years - 3 1/2 years / 1hr

The Chipmunk program with a twist. Turn taking is introduced in this transitional class as your child prepares for independent participation.


Two at a time / 50% parent participation with children

18 months - 6 years / sibling class /1hr

This class is designed for siblings to enjoy each other and learn skills from all of our classes.


Kangaroos / child participates independent of parent

3 years - 4.5 years  / 1hr

They're off and jumping, while independent of parent. Learning stations are expended to include new gymnastics and sports skills.


Tigers / child participates independent of parent

4 1/2 years - 5 1/2 years /1hr

Somersaults, handstands and cartwheels are part of the fun as more gymnastics and more sports skills are developed in this non-competitive class.


Eagles / child participates independent of parent

6 yeas and up /1hr

The concept of team sports and fair play are fostered, as well as continued refinement of sports and gymnastics skills.


Gymcats / 50% parent participation with child

2 1/2 years - 3 1/2 years / 1hr

The Chipmunk program with a twist. Turn taking is introduced in this transitional class as your child prepares for independent participation.

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Class Schedule

TUITION (8 weeks session):

45 minute class / $130.00

60 minute class / $160.00

Registration fee / New members only / $50.00


Due to class size, all "make-up" and "drop-in" classes must be reserved 24 hours in advance.

All missed classes can be made up within the session or at the latest within 8 weeks after the session ends. The make-up class should be scheduled on a day different than your regular class would be.

All classes will expire after 16 weeks.



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Birthday Parties


What we provide

We decorate - balloons, banners, streamers.

We set up - tables, benches, music.

We lead the party - an hour and half of the best and most requested Joey's gym games.

We serve cake - last 15-20 minutes is set aside for munching, but lunch or dinner time can be set, if requested.

We clean up - it's our house, (we know, your favorite part).


What you provide

You provide - the birthday kid, food, cake, drinks, paper goods, (napkins, plates, cups, tablecloths, goody bags are optional), party guests.


Party Times


11:00am - 1:00pm

  2:00pm - 4:00pm

  4:30pm - 6:30pm



10:30am - 12:30pm

  1:30pm - 3:30pm

  4:00pm - 6:00pm





Deposit  : $200.00

Balance : $325.00


Total      : $525.00



Deposit  : $200.00

Balance : $425.00


Total       : $625.00




Price is set for 2 hours up to 20 children.

A fee of $10.00/per child applies is over 20, a maximum of 30 children.

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Opening Hours

 Monday:         9:30am - 12:30pm

Tuesday:         9:30am - 1:00pm

                          3:30pm - 5:30 pm

Wednesday:  9:30am - 1:00pm

                          3:30pm - 5:30pm

Thursday:        9:30am - 1:00pm

                          2:30pm - 5:30pm


   Saturday:       9:30am - 10:30am

                      rest of the day only open if booked for birthday parties

    Sunday:          9:00am - 10:00am

                      rest of the day only open if booked for birthday parties

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Class Schedule


  9:30 AM Crickets / Chipmunks*

10:45 AM Crickets / Chipmunks*


*This is a combination class of Gyminy Crickets and Chipmunks. Toddlers range from 16/17 months - 2 1/2 years old, must be walking on their own. All the activities are flowing and optional.


  9:30 AM Crickets / Chipmunks*

10:45 AM Gymcats

12:00 PM T-Bugs / Crickets**

  3:30 PM Crickets / Chipmunks*

  4:30 PM Kangaroos


*Combination class of Gyminy Crickets and Chipmunks. Toddlers range from 16/17 months - 2 1/2 years old, must be walking on their own. Some structured activities but still flowing and optional.


**Combination class of Tumble Bugs and Gyminy Crickets. Babies range from about 4/6 months - 15/16 months. Babies, are rolling, cruising, crawling or walking and getting introduced to sounds, colors and some floor play.



  9:30 AM Crickets / Chipmunks*

10:45 AM Gymcats

12:00 PM T-Bugs / Crickets**

  3:30 PM Two at a time***

  4:30 PM Tigers


*Combination class of Gyminy Crickets and Chipmunks. Toddlers range from 16/17 months - 2 1/2 years old, must be walking on their own. Some structured activities but still flowing and optional.


**Combination class of Tumble Bugs and Gyminy Crickets. Babies range from about 4/6 months - 15/16 months. Babies, are rolling, cruising, crawling or walking and getting introduced to sounds, colors and some floor play.


***Sibling class, depending on ages of the children we gear the activities to either flowing or more structured to make sure everyone is included in the play.


  9:30 AM Crickets / Chipmunks*

10:45 AM T-Bugs / Crickets**

12:00 PM T-Bugs / Crickets**

  2:30 PM Kangaroos

  3:30 PM Two at a time***

  4:30 PM Kangaroos


*Combination class of Gyminy Crickets and Chipmunks. Toddlers range from 16/17 months - 2 1/2 years old, must be walking on their own. Some structured activities but still flowing and optional.


**Combination class of Tumble Bugs and Gyminy Crickets. Babies range from about 4/6 months - 15/16 months. Babies, are rolling, cruising, crawling or walking and getting introduced to sounds, colors and some floor play.


***Sibling class, depending on ages of the children we gear the activities to either flowing or more structured to make sure everyone is included in the play.



9:30 AM Crickets / Chipmunks*

*Combination class of Gyminy Crickets and Chipmunks. Toddlers range from 16/17 months - 2 1/2 years old, must be walking on their own. Some structured activities but still flowing and optional.



9:00 AM Two at a time***


***Sibling class, depending on ages of the children we gear the activities to either flowing or more structured to make sure everyone is included in the play.


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275 S. Robertson Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 90211


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Thank you list

   Over the years with the support of all of the families that have come to Joey's Gym, we have had the great opportunity to contribute to the community. Our donations of classes & birthday parties have given us the chance to give back. The following is a list of the schools, clubs, foundations, associations, centers and funds that wrote thank you letters to us. These letters can be seen in our thank you notebooks at the gym. 


Friends of Canfield Elementary School

The Center for Early Education

Temple Isreal of Hollywood

The Mirman School

Hawthorn  School PTA

Beverly Vista School PTA

Horace Mann School PTA


Crossroads School

Friends of Overland Avenue Elementary School

Friends of Castle Heights Elementary School

El Rodeo School PTA

Friends of Wonderland Avenue School

Temple Isaiah

Temple Emanuel

Hollywood Schoolhouse

Curtis School

New West Charter Middle School

Sinai Temple

Bel Air Presbyterian Church Preschool

Temple Beth Am

Larchmont Charter School

Friends of Ocean Charter School

Westwood Charter Elementary School

Frank D.Parent School PTA

Operation School Bell

Westside Jewish Community Center

Stephen S.Wise Temple

Bay City Jewish Community Center

Samuel A. Fryer Yeshivat Yavneh

Friends of West Hollywood Elemantary

Beverly Glen Playground

Newbridge School

Walter School

Fairburn Elementary School

The John Thomas Dye School

Warner Avenue Elementary School

New Roads School

Roscomare Road School

The Buckley School

Friends of Beverly Hills Presbyterian Nursery School

Kenter Canyon School

Sha'arei Am Santa Monica Synagogue

Valley Outreach Synagogue

Hadassah Beverly Hills Charter School

Hiltop Nursery School

Roosevelt Elementary School

UEC-Corinne A.Seeds Universaty Elementary School

The First School

Canyon School

Friends of Third Street School

Westwood United Methodist Church Preschool

Hill'an Dale Family Learning Center, Inc.

Kentwood Elementary School

Palisades Charter Elementary School

The Early Years School

Notre Dame Academy Elementary School

Brentwood School

Echo Horizon School

The Archer School for Girls

Los Encinos School

Encino Presbyterian Children's Center

Pasadena Waldorf School

Play Mountain Place

Sinai Akiba Academy

Rose Scharlin Cooperative Nursery School

Junior League of Los Angeles, Inc.

St. Paul The Apostle School

Parents & Children Nursery School

The Growing Place

All Saint's School

Evergreen Community School

The Willows Community School

Pilgrim School

El Nido Family Centers

The Holloway School

Carlthorp School

K.I.Children's Center

Meadow Oaks School

Westchester Lutheran Church and School

Aviva Center

Wilshire Boulevard Temple

All Children Great and Small

The Sherman Oaks Nursery School

PS #1 Elementary School

Little Village Nursery School

Children's World Preschool

Circle of Children Preschool

Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School

Farragut Elementary School

Mount St. Mary's College

Saint Simon & Jude School

UCLA Early Care and Education

Rancho Co-op Nursery School

Palisades Charter Complex and Brentwood Science Magnet School

Friends of LACES / Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies

Lacer Stars After School Program / Literacy, Arts, Culture, Education & Recreation

Hollywood Stars Afterschool Program at LeConte Middle School

Washington Irving Stars Afterschool Program At Irving Middle School

Bancroft Stars Afterschool Program at Bancroft Middle School

King Start Afterschool Program at King Middle School

First United Methodist Church Nursery School & Kindergarten








Hospitals, Foundations, Associations

Arthritis Foundation

Concern Foundation

ULA - United Liver Association

UCP -United Cerebral Palsy

Israel Cancer Research Fund

UCLA Johsson Cancer Center

Daniel Freeman Hospital

UCLA - Orthopedic Hospital Center for Cerebral Palsy

American Heart Association

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Missionary Vehicle Association

John Wayne Cancer Institute Auxiliary

KTLA Charities/ Union Station Foundation

Beverly Hills Education Foundation

Good Beginnings Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Friends of The Junior Arts Center

Associates for Breast & Prostate Cancer Studies

Make a Wish Foundation

American Red Cross

American Liver Association

National Kidney Foundation of Southern California

Muscular Dystrophy Association

St.Joseph Center

Children's Hospital of LA / Hematology -Oncology Research

Parkinson's Resource Organization

The Stennis Family Foundation

Pancreatic Cancer Action Network

Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation

Venice Family Clinic

Southern California Counseling Center

Special Children's League Inc.

Los Angeles Free Clinic

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International

Culver City Education Foundation

National Park & Conservation Association

The Women's Group Friends of Sheba Medical group

Fairburn Youth Association

Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles

Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation Fighting Blindness

Children of Parkinsonians

Methodist Hospital Foundation

College of the Canyons Foundation

Glendale Adventist Medical Center Foundation

Patron Associates of LA Valley College

Southern California Chinese Lawyer Foundation

Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation

San Gabriel Valley Medical Center Foundation

Sheriff's Youth Foundation

DangerMan Education Foundation

The National Neurofibromatosis

Foundation Inc.

ARCS/ Arcs Foundation Inc.

KIngs Care Foundation / TIp -A King

Lymphoma Research Foundation of America, Inc.

The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association

Foundation fo Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center

Providence Holy Cross Medical Center

UCLA Department of Psychology / UCLA Megan E. Daly Infant Development Program

The Women's Guild of the Hope for Hearing Foundation

Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association






Boys Scounts of America

Girls Scouts of America

The Salvation Army

Exceptional Games for Blind & Deaf

Motion Picture & Television Fund

United Jewish Fund Women's Division

Heal the Bay

Habitat for Humanity - Los Angeles

The Children Nature Institute

City of West Hollywood

Environmental Defence Fund

USC - Building on Excellence

Commitment to a Cure Awards Gala

Westside Women's Health Center

Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership

New Directions for Youth Inc.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving LA Chapter

Assistance League of Southern California

Circle of Friends

CTGA - Center Theater Group

The Vision Awards

Heart of a Child Celebration

The Wellness Community

L.A. Parents Magazine Educational Fair

Theater of Hearts / Youth First Inc.

The Help group

Break the Cycle

Chrysalis Santa Monica

Child & Family Guidance Center

Our House

Dubnoff Center

Wheel Friends of Childhelp

The Footlighter Child Life Center

Jewish Big Brother Big Sister / Camp Max Straus

The Wilderness Society

Sherman Oaks Little League

Advocates for Language Learning

President's Club - Vista Del Mar Child & Family Services

San Fernando Valley Bar Association

Hadassah Southern California Metro Area

Calabasas Chamber of Commerce

Hathaway Children and Family Services

Friends of Fulfillment Fund

Brentwood Area Chamber of Commerce

Pasadena Children's Guild

The Footlighter House of Dreams

The Maple Counseling Center

Covenant House California

Paramount Education Partnership

Kidsave International

Meals on Wheels West

Rosemary Children's Services

The California Wildlife Center

International Life Services Auxilliary

Santa Monica Baykeeper

Union Rescue Mission

Fight for Jessica

GLAAD Media Awards

Lincoln Training Center

Gay Men Chorus of Los Angeles

Los Angeles Team Mentoring, Inc.

USC Ethel Percy Andrus Center

KPCC89.3FM Southern California Public Radio

The Serra Project

In Defence of Animals

Share inc.

Stop Cancer

Rotary Club of Los Angeles

Big Brother Big Sister of Greater Los Angeles & Inland Empire



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